The Glue Factory is a collective of Irish artists.

We are:

Aoife Ward
Elinor O’Donovan
Gearoid O’Dea
Husk Bennett
Jack Rogers
Michelle Malone
Tadhg Ó Cuirrín

The Glue Factory is a collective of seven emerging Irish artists. Hailing from all four corners of Ireland, and covering a broad range of media including performance, sculpture, painting, drawing and installation, The Glue Factory is an experiment in and testament to collaboration, communication and friendship.

The Glue Factory was founded in 2021, mid-lockdown, where the members came together as an Instagram group chat. Responding to a mutual need for peer-support, The Glue Factory began to host online group crits, where they could feedback on and learn from each other’s practices. Early attempts at collaboration led to the adoption of The Glue Factory’s mantra, ‘a camel is a horse designed by a committee’, a quote by the designer of the Mini, Sir Alec Issigonis, which reflects the difficulties of group work.

The collective’s name is a morbid tongue-in-cheek reference to the place to which dead horses are sent.